Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big News

Guys! I have some great news. We *may* have a corporate sponsor for Kick Joe Lieberman in the Balls. It is too early to say anything but this is a legitimate company that believes in our mission to Kick Joe Lieberman in the Balls.

When this company approached me I was truly honored. It is at those moments I am really proud to be an American. (Lee Greenwood was right!) With all of the turmoil right now people still have their hearts in the right place - they know that Kicking Joe Lieberman in the Balls is the right thing for America.

Ok I am getting sentimental. I have to stop.
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work and support. We WILL Kick Joe Lieberman in the Balls!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Daily Kos!

Wow! The Daily Kos did a piece on 'Kick Joe Lieberman in the Balls' today! With press like this Joe Lieberman is gonna get a real ball pounding sooner rather than later.

Read the piece here!

Thanks to everyone for all your hard work. If we work hard, if we believe, we CAN kick Joe Lieberman in the balls!

Hope from a Child

Yesterday I received a letter from a child in Rhode Island who heard about the good work we are doing. Please read the contents of the letter below.

Dear Jackie

My name is Bethany and I am 8 years old and I live in Warwick, Rhode Island. My favorite color is green and my favorite Jonas Brother is none of them.

I stumbled on your website when I was doing a Google search for Joe Lieberman. My teacher assigned us a report on a government official we thought wasn't doing a good job. I picked Sentaor Joe Lieberman because, as my Daddy says, "he's a real jackass." My Mommy says even though we don't live in Connecticut we still suffer because jackasses make it bad for everyone.

When I asked my Daddy why people are so mad right now he says America is having a hard time. And America needs to get some stuff off its chest.

So I think it would be the best thing for America if someone kicked Joe Lieberman in the balls. I know it would make my Daddy feel like we are on the right track.

Please let me know what I can do to help. My allowance was $5 per week but now it is $3 per week. But I am saving a $1 a week for your cause.


Bethany Talbot

Thanks Bethany. You are a real inspiration for our cause of kicking Joe Lieberman in the balls.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time for Change

And that change is kicking Joe Lieberman square in the balls. I know some have asked the question "does the Senator from Connecticut even have balls?" Well, it's a risk I am willing to take.

Please check back for updates on how you can help America by getting Joe Lieberman kicked in the balls.


I wish Christmas were tomorrow so I could ask Santa to kick Joe Lieberman in the balls.